Gradescope Instructions
We will be using Gradescope to handle assignment submissions. You will be added to the Gradescope in the first week of the course. Hard copy and email submissions will not be accepted.
- Assignment 0 is a dummy assignment that will allow you to get used to the Gradescope submission process, and it is due on September 15 at 10:00PM. It is not worth any points.
- When you submit your assignment, make sure to tag all the pages for each problem according to Gradescope's submission directions. Graders may deduct points on problems that are difficult to find.
- The due dates on Gradescope will be the hard deadlines, after which we will not accept submissions. On-time submissions should be made before the deadlines listed on the website. Do not confuse the hard deadline on Gradescope with the deadlines on the website.
- We strongly encourage typesetting your assignments. If the grader cannot read your assignment for whatever reason (handwriting, photo/scanning quality, etc.), you will not receive credit for that work.
- Regrades will also be handled through Gradescope. We will begin to accept regrades for an assignment the day after grades are released for a window of three days. We will not accept regrades for an assignment outside of that window. Regrades are intended to remedy grading errors, so regrade requests must discuss why you believe your answer is correct in light of the deduction you received. We do not accept regrade requests of the form "I deserve more points for this" or "that deduction is too harsh." If you submit a regrade request of this form, you will receive further deductions. When you submit a regrade request, the grader may review your entire assignment, in which case you may lose points on other questions. Your score on an assignment may decrease if you submit for a regrade.
Instructions are borrowed from the Stanford ML Course.